Hi All, we hope your year is off to a really positive start!

With our holidays nearly over, we're ready to crank things up for 2021.

It was a giant push to get our new online store up just before Christmas, but we did it and we’re loving all the new ways we can interact with you. Little updates like this one will pop up regularly, we’ll be sharing recipes and cooking class news (more to come in that space very soon) and of course any special additions to our menu.

We totally get that not everyone loves to order online, but the benefits far out way any negatives and we are still on hand to guide you through. Joining our online community means that we will be able to include you in special offers and discounts, and with you all ordering online, we make only what’s needed, we can make it fresh for you and with zero waste. It’s brilliant!

Darren has put his cracking Pav back on the menu which is simply perfect for summer entertaining. Mangoes are sublime right now and partnered with passionfruit, this Pav is not to be missed. We are taking orders for Thursday Friday and Saturdays only and as with everything else from our online store, orders must be placed at least 24 hours in advance to give us time to prepare them for you.

We also sharing Darren’s recipe for Pav and here is the link.

In other new exciting news, our partner Providoor.com.au are now delivering to Sydney, NSW central coast, Wollongong, Canberra, Adelaide and Regional South Australia along with all of Victoria. This means that more of you can join us for our cook along live classes and have ingredient boxes along with other B&P goodies all delivered via refrigerated freight directly to your door. It’s honestly so exciting!

We that’s it for now. Have a wonderful summer, stay safe, wear sunscreen and keep smiling.

We can’t wait to get baking again.

Cath & Darren xxx

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