Easy to make once you have the blocks on hand, this recipe can provide cool relief on a hot day, or you can heat it to drink it hot warming you up on a cold day in winter.

Winter in Melbourne tells you how I will be enjoying mine for a few months.

Experiment with infusions for a twist these are super easy and a real treat, just boil some milk, add the chocolate blocks and emulsify with a hand blender or bench top blender.

If you are not into dairy milk then try swapping plant based options for the liquid in the recipe.

Chocolate Milk Blocks – Frozen


175 g Dark chocolate, chopped

100 g Milk chocolate, chopped

100 ml Cream

100 ml Milk

Pinch Salt


  1. Combine the chocolates into a microwave bowl and gently melt together.
  2. Place the cream, milk and salt into a sauce pan and bring to a simmer over a medium heat.
  3. Pour the cream/milk over the top of the chocolate and stir the mixture gently from the middle of the bowl to the outside using a silicone spoon.
  4. Stir until the chocolate is fully melted and continue to mix until you have a shiny emulsion.
  5. Pour this mixture into ice cube trays or similar and freeze the cubes of chocolate until needed.


The cream and milk can be infused with a variety of flavours. Bring the cream/milk to a simmer with spices and/or citrus zests or teas. Strain the infusions and re-boil to proceed with the recipe.

Tip *Don’t infuse tea for too long or it can result in bitterness. I recommend infusing milk and cream with more tea than you would use to make a drink but infuse for a maximum of 4 minutes.

Sample Recipe:

Milk 100g, Cream 100g, Earl Grey Tea 10g – Bring the liquids to a boil together and remove from the heat, add the tea, stir and infuse for 5 minutes. Strain

My Favourite Infusions

Orange zest & star anise

Coffee & fennel seed

Green tea & kaffir lime

Jasmine tea & lemon


Chocolate Milk Drink Formulation

400 g Frozen chocolate blocks

800 ml Milk


  1. Place the frozen chocolate blocks into a bench top blender or a tall cylindrical container and with a hand blender ready
  2. Boil the milk and pour on top of the blocks, carefully blend and emulsify the two ingredients together
  3. Remove the milk from the blender and cool or reheat as required
  4. Serve immediately in a mug or small milk bottles

* Tip: To reheat the milk use a microwave or saucepan and heat it to above 80°C. Serve with some left-over raspberry marshmallow bulbs from making wagon wheels.


Quick, Thick & Naughty Hot Chocolate


125 ml Cream

375 ml Milk

pinch Salt
250 g Dark chocolate, chopped


  1. Heat the cream, milk and salt together to a simmer. Pour around a ¼ of the mixture onto the chocolate and stir to melt.
  2. Add the remaining cream/milk and stir, return to the pan and heat to 85°C.
  3. Serve with marshmallows and additional grated chocolate.

You can also buy or very own B&P blend of hot chocolate made with delicious Callebaut chocolate and rooftop honeycomb (honeycomb recipe).




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