serves 8


6 Eggs, room temperature

200 g Caster sugar, plus extra for dusting

1 Vanilla pod, seeds scraped (½ for sponge/½ for cream)

½ Lemon zest

130 g Cake flour

70 g Raspberry jam – see below

100 g Cream

1 tbsp Icing sugar, plus extra for dusting


1. Preheat an oven to 190°C and grease a 30 cm X 20 cm baking tray with a 2 cm lip. Line the bottom of the tray with an exact size sheet of baking paper. Spray the paper with canola spray.

2. Place the eggs, half the vanilla seeds and lemon zest into the bowl of a stand mixer and start to whisk.

3. Place the sugar onto a separate baking tray with a clean piece of baking paper and put in the oven for two minutes to heat up. Pour the warm sugar into the bowl with the whisking eggs.

4. Whisk on a medium speed until the mixture has doubled and you can see thick ribbons in the sabayon.

5. Sieve the plain flour and fold it into the mix using a metal spoon or spatula. Do this in three stages to maintain the aeration.

6. Spread the batter onto the prepared tray using a palette knife, spread evenly to the edges of the tray and bake for 8 minutes.

7. Remove the sponge from the oven and let it sit for a minute.

Step By Step: How To Roll A Swiss Roll

1. Lay a piece of baking paper (just larger than the size of the sponge) onto a workbench. Turn the paper so that it is oriented portrait, sprinkle caster sugar over the top. Turn the cooked sponge out onto the towel on the sugar and remove the baking paper.

2. Take a sharp knife and score a line across the bottom of the sponge 2cm from the bottom edge, do not cut all the way through.

3. Roll the sponge while still warm using the paper to help. Roll bottom to top and roll the paper inside the sponge. Once rolled leave too cool for 20 minutes on the bench.

4. Whip the cream with the remaining vanilla seeds and the icing sugar to thick ribbon.

5. Unroll the sponge and spread the jam evenly leaving a 2cm gap at the end of the sponge where there was no incision. Add the cream and spread again leaving the gap at the end.

6. Reroll the sponge starting from the incision end this time leaving the paper out. Dust with icing sugar, trim the ends and serve with a cup of tea.

Raspberry Jam


500 g Raspberries, fresh or frozen

500 g Jam setting sugar

½ Lemon, fresh juice


1. Place the raspberries and sugar into a heavy bottomed saucepan and mash the fruit with a fork. I prefer a cast iron pan as it really keep the heat, so cooks quicker and more evenly.

2. Heat the mix together over a medium heat and stir frequently with a wooden spoon or heat resistant spatula. Bring to a boil and add in a sugar or digital thermometer.

3. Continue to cook and stir, be careful as the jam is very hot and it may start to spit at you as you stir the pot.

4. Cook to 103°C using the thermometer to check and ensuring you continue to stir to make sure the jam does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

5. Once the temperature has been reached remove the pan from the heat and squeeze in the lemon juice through a sieve. Stir and jar immediately or store in containers.

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