One of THE most iconic desserts of all time, especially during the summer. There is nothing better than a Pav with cream and fruit!

Here’s a domestic recipe version of our popular Pavlova, give it a go or order one through us while you can (Mango’s going out of season!). CLICK HERE

Making Pav can be a bit temperamental so you’ll need a couple of practice goes so you can learn how your oven bakes and gauge cooking times to ensure success. It’ll be worth it though….

Makes: 1 x 20cm round Pav

Serves: 8-10

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 50 minutes plus 5 hours cooling minimum

6 Egg whites, room temperature

½ tsp Cream of tartar *

pinch Salt

1 Vanilla pod, seeds scraped

400g Caster sugar

2 tsp Cornflour

2 tsp White vinegar

400g Cream

1 Passionfruit, cut in half and seeds scooped

q.s. Mango chunks

  1. Preheat an oven to 150°C and line a heavy baking tray with paper. Take a 20cm diameter cake tin or ring and place into the middle of the paper; use a pencil to draw a circle around the tin. Flip the paper so the drawn ring is underneath.
  2. Place the egg whites, cream of tartar, salt and vanilla seeds into an immaculately clean bowl of an electric stand mixer. Attach the whisk and start to whip the egg whites on a medium speed. Whip the whites to a white foamy meringue and then add the caster sugar a tablespoon at a time. Continue until all but 50g of sugar has been incorporated, this should take around 15 minutes.
  3. Turn the machine to high and whisk for a further 5 minutes.
  4. Mix the cornflour into the remaining sugar and fold into the meringue using a silicone spatula or large metal spoon. Ensure the sugar/cornflour is fully incorporated. Next fold in the vinegar.
  5. Spoon all of the meringue into the centre of the circle on the lined paper and use a medium step palette knife to shape and compress the meringue into a large dome shape.
  6. Next start to push the meringue out to the edges of the circle, smoothing the top at the same time. You are trying to obtain a thick disc of ‘pavlova’ shaped meringue.
  7. Invert the centre top surface of the meringue with a palette knife to create a small lip around the top edge of the meringue.
  8. Ensure the fan is tuned off in your oven and place the tray onto the middle shelf. Immediately turn the oven down to 100°C and bake the pavlova for 50 minutes.
  9. Turn the oven off and leave the pavlova to cool down in the oven for a minimum of five hours. The pav should be crunchy on the outside and soft and marshmallowy in the centre, a little browning on the exterior is perfect and that is what holds it and gives it its crunch.
  10. Remove from the oven and gently remove the paper from the base.
  11. Whip the cream to firm peaks, spoon onto the surface of the pav and then spoon the passionfruit seeds on top and add mango.

* Cream of tartar is added to the egg whites to create a creamy consistency; it is available from most large supermarkets these days.


I love the classic pavlova, just cream and fresh mango & passionfruit seeds. I do often though add other fruits. Strawberries, raspberries or pineapple & lime work well. Whatever you fancy though, just nothing over sweetened as the pav is sweet enough.

This recipe is excerpted from Darren's cookbook 'Chefs Host Christmas Too' - order your copy here.

You can order the B&P Pav here.

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