Spring has sprung thankfully and I’m now thinking of lighter and fresher recipes (as soon as the weather improves!).
The last of the citrus is still around and I thought I would capture some of that goodness for enjoyment later on in the year.
These simple but delicious Negroni soaked mandarins are perfect to preserve and bring out later in the year, possibly at Christmas time.
They can be used in so many ways, enjoyed baked into a tart or even topping a tart, you could pop a few slices into your Friday evening Negroni or just serve a whole mandarin simply with cream or ice cream.
I am currently in Sydney and popped into the Carriageworks Farmers Market and picked up these beautiful Mandarins which I will use in this recipe.
You can watch the video of how to make these HERE.
Makes: 1 X 2 litre jar or smaller jars
Prep time: 20 minutes
Ready: After three weeks
Shelf Life: Keep refrigerated for up to six months. Once open consume within two weeks.

300 g Caster sugar
200 ml Water
5 Star anise
Few Cloves
1 Vanilla pod, seeds scraped
100 ml Campari
250 ml Gin (I use Four Pillars)
Mandarins, enough to fill your jars.
  1. Peel the fruit ensuring you remove any pith, use a small paring knife for this detailed work. Try to keep the mandarins whole but you will need some segments to fill gaps in your jar.
  2. Place the sugar and water along with the spices into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir to dissolve the sugar and remove from the heat.
  3. Sterilise your jar by submerging it into water in a large pan, bring to a boil and carefully remove the jar with tongs.
  4. Dry the jar and then add the fruit, place whole mandarins inside and plug any gaps with segments, fill the entire jar or jars.
  5. Add the Campari and the Gin to the jar and then top up the jar to fill with the syrup.
  6. Ensure all the fruit is covered with liquid and seal shut.
  7. Store in the fridge and every day turn the jar upside down to sit on its lid or back again.
  8. The preserves will be ready in a few weeks.
  9. Enjoy however you like.
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