Salted Caramel

This recipe is as close as it gets to the actual recipe we make at Sweet Studio; the only difference is this has been adapted for home. The one we make at B&P is made on mass in a big food processing machine.

The salt level is just about perfect cutting through the sweetness and the vanilla adds an extra dimension. Make sure you use great quality ingredients aas this is such a simple recipe that there is nowhere to hide. Oh and be careful…the caramel is super, super hot. You MUST pay this recipe your full attention and ensure children are out of the way.

There are a million uses for this so we would be keen to know what you use it for? Enjoy.

You can make this recipe or simply buy a jar HERE.


250 ml Cream (A)

200 g Caster sugar

1 Vanilla seeds scraped from pod

8 g Salt

100 g Glucose syrup

200 ml Cream (B)

45 g Unsalted butter


  1. Place the cream (B) into a small saucepan and bring to a boil, remove from the heat and leave to the side.
  2. Place the cream (A), sugar, scraped vanilla seeds, salt and glucose into an oversized saucepan and heat over a medium heat.
  3. Cook the syrup while stirring constantly with a heat proof spatula.
  4. As you cook the mixture it will start to brown and stick to the bottom of the saucepan, this is a good sign of achieving a great caramel colour at the end of the recipe. You then need to scrape this colour from the sides of the pan the heat proof spatula to mix them in. This will give you the golden colour on your caramel.
  5. Whisk the mixture constantly and cook the caramel to 145°C using a sugar thermometer to check the temperature. Be careful of the steam as you check the temperature, as it will be very hot.
  6. Remove the caramel from the heat and add in the reserved scalded cream (B) followed by the butter.
  7. Mix until you have a smooth and golden caramel, strain through a sieve and pour it into sterilised jars for preserving or a container, allowing it to cool thoroughly before use.
  8. The caramel will last for 3 months in a sealed jar, stored in the fridge.
  9. When using from the fridge you can microwave slightly to loosen if needed.

Tips for a smooth, sweet & salty caramel

Ensure your tools are spotlessly clean including your whisk, the saucepan, sieve and the tip of your thermometer.

Use a thermometer to accurately check the cooking temperature to ensure the correct viscosity of your caramel once cool.

Use a saucepan of a sufficient size to ensure the mix does not boil over during cooking.

Some of the uses for caramel

Topping for ice cream

Filling for individual tarts

Spread onto sponge

Straight from the jar

Drizzle over cakes and desserts

Gifting in jars

Glazing grilled fruits

Stirring into hot chocolate

Blending into ganache

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